It was March 2020. Switzerland is in lockdown, shops are closing, tourists are staying at home. That's why the idea of a platform was born, bringing together for the first time all the distillers of the Val-de-Travers who wanted it. The idea is to transcend regional borders and communicate the history and characteristics of Switzerland's most legendary product.
For it is only here, where absinthe was born around 1751, that professional knowledge and experience have never been lost, despite almost 100 years of prohibition. As descendants of a long illegal tradition, the master distillers of AbsintheMarket have preserved the recipes and procedures of their ancestors. A valuable and unique know-how.
More than an online shop
24 distillers from the Val-de-Travers and the surrounding area have put together the largest range of regional absinthes with more than 80 different distillates.
But this new platform is not satisfied with a simple online shop, but takes the time to introduce each distiller, to tell his story, of his terroir and his secrets of distillation.
AbsintheMarket wants to publicise a precious, rare and excellent drink that suffers from a lack of visibility as there is no mass production in the valley.
All distillers are passionate craftsmen who rarely make a living from their distillations and do not always master the codes of marketing and digital commerce. This new platform finally offers them the sophisticated tool that their productions of excellence have been lacking.
AbsintheMarket, Val-de-Travers