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Most prestigious award

Since 2003, the trade magazine BAR NEWS has been presenting the most important awards of the Swiss bar scene: the SWISS BAR AWARDS. Talented Barkeeper and trendy bars are awarded in seven categories.

Further information:

Hidén Harlekin wins "Best Newcomer Bar" award

"The foxes are playing a trick"

The entrance to a bygone era is located in an inconspicuous corridor in Bahnhofstrasse Zug. The melodic sounds of a once forbidden music guide the brave down into a subterranean parallel world,...

Product News

BAR NEWS Magazine

BAR NEWS 5 | 2024

Award Night 2024

Portrait of the winners

World of Whisky
American Single Malt Whiskey

Gift boutique
Gift ideas for the festive season



A glass of milk (punch), please!

Bloody Mary too spicy? Of course, guests in this emergency situation can order a glass of milk. In any other case, however, he should not be concerned about the raised eyebrows...

Cocktail recipes and knowledge

122 drink recipes in the new Bar Mixbooklet 2025

The new edition of the handy Bar Mixbooklet provides a lot of basic knowledge on how to mix drinks with and without alcohol, for example, and what to look out for in order to prepare good cocktails....

Rhum Agricole

The fine rum from Martinique

The Caribbean island is 30 × 80 kilometers in size - just a third of the size of Mallorca. Like nearby Guadeloupe, Martinique belongs to France as an overseas territory and...


Why you should pre-batch drinks. And why not...

Shaken, not stirred! If James Bond were to order his Vodka Martini today, there's a good chance he'd be served his cocktail pre-batched from the freezer. "À la minute" or "prebatched...

Beer knowledge

Fancy a goat?

Beers with this special name are particularly well-known in Bavaria. They have a higher alcohol content than lager beers and are usually on the malty side in terms of taste. They are often...


Bar manager at La Réserve Genève

10 questions for Fabien Theisgen

I got into the world of bars because I wanted to combine my creativity and authentic interaction with customers. Before my current position, I managed the Code...

Deputy bar manager at Barfly'z, Zurich

10 questions for Ramon Landolt

The love of enjoyment and the fascination for the variety of flavors are my passion. I traveled to New York to learn the bar trade. After my return, I became...

Bartender International

Vijay Mudaliar, Native and Analogue, Singapore

As I didn't really like working at a desk, I decided to continue working as a bartender on the weekends. From my employer's point of view, that wasn't really...

Barkeeper the Louis Bar in the Hotel Montana, Lucerne

10 questions for Andrin Krummenacher

When I finished my training, I was initially employed as Chef de Rang in the hotel's Scala Restaurant. Six months later, there was a vacancy as Barkeeper in...



Bars and restaurants


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