10 things you should keep in mind as Barkeeper

Dos and don'ts behind the bar

A Barkeeper is never "just" Barkeeper. A Barkeeper is also a service employee, cleaner, wine connoisseur, spirits expert, mixologist, DJ - and not infrequently - barista, cook, tourist guide, Psychologist, juggler... But the most important thing a Barkeeper has to be: a good host.

The Swiss bar pioneer Harry Schraemli named "honesty, firmness of character and cleanliness of thought and action" as "self-evident prerequisites" for the Barkeeper. "Abstinence with regard to 'King Alcohol' is also part of it." What was true half a century ago is still true today.

Everyone who works in the catering industry has to be a good host or hostess. As Barkeeper , however, an extra portion of this is needed from time to time.

The following ten points will help you as Barkeeper behind the bar so that your guests feel comfortable and will come back to you in the future. Even if you hear some of them for the hundredth time today, it never hurts to remember certain things again and again.

10 things you should keep in mind as Barkeeper

❶ First and last impressions count
Greet your guests and welcome them. Talk to them and ask how they are doing. Even if your conversations are just small talk, most guests appreciate the exchange. Don't forget to say goodbye to your guests when they leave.

❷ Put a smile on your guests' faces
Try to put your guests in a positive mood. They should always feel better when they leave than when they walked in the door. Try to use all possible levers to achieve this. Small attentions are always well received. Of course, it's also important that you smile....

❸ Watch your appearance
Don't forget that your guests are always watching you. You should act accordingly. Even in moments of stress, you should not appear hectic. The guest also notices your appearance - your clothes, for example, or your finger (nails). When serving, you should also be very close to the guest. Perfume and deodorant are your friends against sweat and the smell of your last cigarette break. If you don't feel comfortable under observation, working behind the bar may not be the right choice.

❹ Know your bar's products
A good basic knowledge of the most important beverage categories is essential, then you should acquire specific knowledge depending on the bar's orientation. Leaf through your bar menu during quiet periods. Learn the cocktail recipes by heart, practise them with your teammates and build mnemonic bridges together. This is certainly also the basis for providing particularly good service to the guest, which the guest will appreciate and perhaps also honour. But never be disappointed if the guest does not give a tip, after all, the service is included in the price of the drink.

❺ Control the ambience
Temperature, brightness, noise level, smells - you should always have these under control. Is the style of music appropriate for the time of day and are conversations possible without guests having to shout at each other? Are there negative smells, for example if the (beer) drain has not been cleaned for too long or old flower water? You have control over the comfort of your guests and whether they feel comfortable in your bar.

❻ Mis en Place
Prepare for service according to the number of guests expected. On a Tuesday you will need a different set-up than on a Saturday night. Good preparation is a prerequisite for a smooth service. In the end, your guests will also benefit from the shorter waiting times.

Celebrate cleanliness
Be aware that everyone can see your workplace and that you are not preparing cocktails in a separate room. That's why it's important to celebrate order, hygiene and cleanliness behind the bar. It also helps you keep track of your station even in stressful situations. The guest area must always be clean, even where you don't always look: Lamps, picture frames, under the tables, bar cards, etc.

❽ Work neatly
Make sure your bar is always tidy. This will help you work quickly - especially if you are working in a team. Always put the bottles back where you took them from and so that the labels are visible. You should also keep your purse or cash register tidy. The bar owner, your staff and your guests will be grateful for a quick payment process.

❾ Your counter - your kingdom
The counter is usually the first thing your guests see when they enter your bar. That's why you need to pay special attention here: when guests leave the bar, check that they haven't forgotten anything at the counter, put the bar stools where they belong and wipe the bar surface clean.

❿ Avoid sensitive topics of conversation
Keep a low profile in engaging discussions and don't reveal too much personal information. Keep your opinions on politics and religion to yourself. However, if your guests make derogatory, racist or sexist comments about you, other guests or your staff, you should definitely take a stand.

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