Learn the basic rules and the most important movements of a bartender at the BAR NEWS Academy's bar and cocktail course. Learn how to behave correctly when dealing with guests and find out what are the absolute no-goes at the bar.
You learn directly from bar professionals
In our bar courses, you learn the craft directly from seasoned bar professionals. Experienced Barkeeper with decades of professional experience explain the DNA of the most popular cocktails and introduce you step by step to the various mixing techniques. Deepen your existing knowledge and learn a lot of new things in exchange with bar professionals.
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Frequently asked questions about the bar course
Who are the BAR NEWS Academy's bar and cocktail courses aimed at?
On the one hand, the bar and cocktail courses are aimed at professionals who already work in a bar, and on the other hand at people who are interested in getting started.
How many people take part in each bar and cocktail course?
The number of participants is usually around 8-12 people. For maximum learning success, participants are divided into individual learning groups for most modules.
Is previous bar experience necessary?
Basically not. However, it is certainly helpful if you have already visited a bar once or twice.
Will I find a job in a bar faster with a cocktail and bar course from the BAR NEWS Academy?
A certificate from the BAR NEWS Academy shows when applying for a job that you have completed the relevant course and that you are interested in and engaged with bar culture. BAR NEWS is the leading Swiss trade magazine for the bar scene and has been providing expertise for Barkeeper for over 25 years and is undoubtedly an excellent reference.
I have registered for a bar course, but now I cannot attend. Do I still have to pay for the course?
In principle, the general terms and conditions apply. However, if you are unable to attend, a substitute participant can be provided free of charge. Please let us know the name as soon as possible by sending an email to redaktion@barnews.ch.
I would like to take part in the bar course. However, the costs are too high for me.
Ask your employer if the company will pay part of the costs for the training. After all, the company will benefit if you can mix better cocktails faster and advise the guests competently.
In which language will the bar course be held?
The bar course is held in (Swiss) German.
I am only 17 years old. Can I take part in the bar course?
No, unfortunately you have to wait until you are 18.